Some tips for newbie (and other)
ring managers
If you've been asked to manage a ring and are not
sure what is required, Lynn Jamieson and Jim Gregson, two experienced show organisers, have
lent us their show notes which you can use as a guide. These days with so many shows being run
by a small club or group, a well organised, efficient ring makes all the difference. So go on.
Give up just one day to run a ring. You'll make a lot of people (and dogs) happy!
If you have some
tips to add to the list below, send them to
The judge may be the Captain of the ship
but you are the first mate who runs the show. You are the power behind the throne. You set the
tone and make everything happen.
You should be able to do all jobs on ring and be prepared to
step in, if necessary. Better to delegate. Try not to commit to doing any jobs at particular
times leaving you free to cover if someone needs to nip to the loo or go off to walk a course.
Make sure you will have enough people available at all times and don't turn down any offers to
Night Before
Your job starts the night before. If you cannot get
there due to work commitments etc. talk to the show organisers about getting someone else to do
the set up work.
If possible, help
your judge to build the course or, if you have the course in advance, put it up for them prior
to their arrival.
Put up any tents plus
tables and chairs for your ring. If it’s raining heavy on the morning of the show, you will be
pleased you thought of it
of the Show
Aim to be the
first on the ring, if at all possible, to welcome your judge, organise ring party and deal with
any last minute questions etc.
Find your Judge and agree with them
how they would like the ring run. Some will be happy to leave everything to you. Others will
like to suggest queue sizes, start/finish procedures and position of pole pickers etc.
Try to help your
judge to finalise the course, peg it all especially if it is windy. Put out ring numbers, prior
to competitors walking it. That may mean you to be present in the ring one hour + before the
show starts. Otherwise you may find there are not enough pegs for all the rings and you plus
others will be picking up poles and wings all day.
When the timing
person puts up the equipment, try to make sure you can move it into the tent should it start to
rain etc. If you ask them politely, they will try their best for you. Test the electronic
Check the ring ropes
are not lying all over and peg them down at the gates to the ring.
Ask your judge if they would like to take a break or work
through to the end of the class.
Make sure you have
all the important things:-
- The chocolate biscuits and
sweeties for the scorers. They get grumpy without them.
- The running orders and
competitors list
- Score pads
- Clip boards
- Score sheets
- Weatherwriter for scribe in
case of rain
- Pencils, pens and/or markers
- A very good pencil sharpener
- Clips for score pads/score
sheets etc
- Disinfectant bottle
- Stopwatch plus new battery. You
never know when the electronic timing might fail.
- Food and drink during the show
for your ring party
Locate the closest
loo to your ring... just in case.
Ring Party Duties
Treat everyone
working on your ring party with respect even the youngest. They will work harder for you.
You should be able to
do all jobs on ring and be prepared to step in if necessary try not to commit to doing any jobs
at particular times leaving you free to cover if someone needs to nip to the loo or go off to
walk a course. Make sure you will have enough people available at all times.
If they have dogs to
run, organise cover for them to go and advise them what time you hope to have them back.
If you are running a
dog ask someone to keep an eye on your ring and tell everyone at the tent where you are going
plus which ring and how long you may be, then come straight back. There's nothing worse then
helping on a ring when the ring manager has told everyone their jobs and disappears the rest of
the day, then swans in about the rest of the time in their Ring Manager's polo shirt gift for
bog all.
You will also be
responsible for organising breakfast tickets (probably the traditional bacon butty) for your
judge and scrimer and burger van vouchers or lunch boxes to those helping all day. Please do
not give to people only giving and hour or so.
Find out what time
dinner break is and where it is! It is usually between 12.00noon and 1.30pm. Some clubs stop
the rings for lunch, others stagger the times to help the catering staff.
Keep an eye on drinks
etc – radio for refills etc. Take refreshment box back to Secretary's Tent at lunchtime for
refilling and collect at start of pm. Don't forget the lonely pole pickers!
Keep an eagle eye on
equipment in ring. Is tunnel coming unfixed? Does the see-saw need staking again. Have the
weaves become unstaked. Make sure you have bucket of stakes, hammer etc. to correct this. The
Judge might not see something and you are another pair of eyes to help.
Your Ring
Nothing worse
then helping on a ring when the ring manager has told everyone their jobs and disappears the
rest of the day, then swans about the rest of the time in their ring managers polo shirt gift
for bog all. You have many dogs to get through. Keep pushing them through and tighten up admin
where poss!
Position the caller
person in a place so as not to be in the way of people queuing and can be seen clearly by
people wanting to book in.
If small queue, take
anyone who has dog with them – must keep ring moving – especially before 9.00am.
Remind the caller-in
that dogs must run in correct order when handler has more than one dog.
finish and start areas are kept free of people queuing, gossiping etc
Brief the caller and
the pad person about where you want handlers what you want them to do at Start and Finish.
Keep the ring running. When possible, have the
next dog on line ready to go before
previous has finished. You'll probably need to tell the next handler when to step up to the
Keep the board
indicator, if there is one, up-to-date
Brief pole pickers as
to what to look for. They are often the least experienced ring party and change most often.
Keep an eye on how
many dogs are in the queue and radio for more, if necessary.
Oversee scoreboard
and help if necessary, – take results to secretary’s tent as soon as class has finished. Record
clear rounds by ring numbers on results sheet.
Be sure
you have water and send for disinfectant for any weeing or poo-ing mishaps etc
If your class is scheduled to start after lunch, decide with
our judge if people will be allowed to walk the course while you are away.
Inform your judge
when you are getting close to the end of the class.
the names of anyone who is working ring party who might be late for the class. You can put an
'L' by their name to remind you who they are. When the class is about to close, ask the
secretary to call them over the tannoy.
Warn people that the
class is closing well in advance. Ask the person on the tannoy system to call to end of class.
For instance, class closing in 10 minutes, class will close in two minutes – class closed.
Calls cannot be put out while making a presentation, so try to avoid calling in at this time.
Check the ring slips
for run offs. Ask the announcer to call those people back to run against the clock.
After Your Judge
Taking care of your Judge is
one of your most important responsibilities. Their job is to judge. Your job is to make sure
their ring runs
Whatever they
want - whether it be a cinnamon doughnut and a cappuccino or a bottle of water- see it
gets done plus anything else they should require.
Be sure your judge'
gets their bacon butty and cuppa tea before you start if it is the morning class or a drink and
a biscuit if later in the day.
Take your judge and
scrimer to lunch. They'll appreciate the company and the chance to relax. You can discuss the
events of the morning or what will happen if the class is scheduled for the afternoon or just
talk about dogs!
Keep you judge and
scrime hydrated. Don't be stingy with the drinks. If hot, ensure cold drinks and ensure they do
not sit out in sun for long periods and keep reminding them about skin protection.
End of Day
Your job does
not end when the last competitor has run. There is still the equipment to put away and the
paperwork to do. If you have it organised well it may finish early. If not, you may be very
If it’s the end of
the show, do try to organise and oversee your ring party plus any and friends to strip the ring
down including the wings etc and stack it all at one corner of the ring for the van/trailer to
pick it up. It takes 5-10 minutes with everyone helping and gets your showground vacated
quicker at the end of the show.
At the end of the
day/class make sure all the paperwork plus any ring equipment is packed up and returned the
Show Secretary.
Please help tidy up
even just a little bit at the end of a show. The show organisers will be delighted even if they
did not have time to tell you.
Don't forget to thank
everyone who helped. It may seem like a small thing but a word of thanks makes all it all
Your Suggestions
Make sure the scorer etc.
knows the course time - helps for working out time faults, obviously - but amazing how often
the scorer doesn't know it. Martine Wates
taken to putting a post-it note on the scorer's table saying `Places to 10th..' or whatever it
is - seems to be one of the most frequently-asked questions!
Martine Wates