If you could change things...

It's half way through the show season, and the mid-term report is still out. There are always little things, however, which would make the shows even more enjoyable. Brenda Tenten lists some of the things she thinks would make it all just that little bit more fun.

We stress these are just observations, and are not intended to offend anyone.
We hope that you'll send us some more of your constructive comments to add to the list.

Show Management




Print the directions large enough for a single driver, without a navigator, to read without difficulty, and put up large signs on the roads for the final stages.

Check the route before setting out, and don’t moan if you go wrong and arrive later than expected.

Don’t park us so close that we can’t open car and van doors or tailgates.

Don’t arrive so early that the club’s car parkers have not yet gone on duty. Or be prepared to move without complaint if needed once they do arrive.

Mark the camping plots clearly, and remember that we don’t all have caravans with side openings – make some allowance for variations such as campers and tents.

Camp sensibly, leaving roadways clear and, if possible, walkways through the site so that others can get to their plots easily and safely.

Position the exercise area near the camping and car parking. Few dogs are going to wait until they get to the far side of the site to ‘evacuate’.

Use the exercise area properly and considerately– remember that others have a right to its use as well as your own dogs.

Don’t nag all of us all the time about ‘picking up’ – find the offenders and nag them instead. Mow the grass in the exercise area, or accept that it is not always possible to see/pick up from long grass.

Make every effort to pick up after all your dogs; if necessary, only allow one off the lead at a time until they have ‘been’. If it’s dark, take a torch and find ‘it’ before someone else steps in ‘it’.

Don’t threaten actions for ‘offences’ unless you intend to carry them out.

Don’t take actions that might give offence to others.

Give people enough time to walk courses – some may have 5 or so courses to walk first thing. Later, some people will be queuing or working a dog when a course is being walked. Make clear announcements about courses being walked, and be time-specific about when the class will start.

Listen for announcements, and walk the courses as promptly as possible. Don’t complain if you miss an announcement – it is your responsibility to be available. Send a message if there is a problem getting to a course walking – most rings have walky-talkies these days.

Don’t threaten to close classes because people haven’t turned up – those still waiting to run are not the ones who have caused the problem. Instead, give a time limit for those who should have run to arrive (or send a message) and then enforce it.

Be available to run when it is your turn. Don’t try to ‘buck the system’ because: the grass will be drier later/the sun will not be in the dog’s eyes on the start/the judge will be tired and less likely to mark the contacts etc. Don’t complain if you are late and not allowed to run.

Give people notice about when the presentations will be – and time to get from the far side of the site to the presentation area. Don’t nag over the tannoy that no-one has turned up – ask yourself why that might be! (Wirral are the experts at getting presentations right – talk to them)

Go to the presentations whenever possible. It is a courtesy to the judge who has put a lot of time and effort into courses and judging, and it is the best way to support your own club members and build a team. Learn to celebrate success!

Provide a feedback system so that constructive comments are welcomed and the show can improve still more.

Always let the show management know how much you have enjoyed the show – it compensates for some of the frustration running shows can bring. And make comments constructive and positive wherever possible.

Competitors should attend prize givings or at the very least organise for someone to collect their rosette. Louise Challis I wish that shows would round up their rosettes. I realise that they go to 10% of the class, but it would be nice if the rosettes went to 10th place, at least, in all classes. Louise Challis
Clubs should do the prizegiving after the class,  whilst the next class is being walked, thus preventing a build up of prizegiving and a lengthy wait whilst several classes are presented before yours. If this was adopted as standard practice everyone would automatically know when to attend a prizegiving and few people would miss it or go home because its late/because they have a long way to travel/ because they are fed up of waiting etc. (How many judges would prefer this?) Sharon Brewste/font>

Thank you to all those people who are have and/or are going to organise, run and judge at shows this year –
without you there would be no competitive agility.
And thank you too to the competitors who make running a show, or going to a show, an enjoyment for others.


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