Is your dog ready to go back...
Did you know that dogs can only hold their current level of fitness for around 3-4 weeks before they start to lose muscle mass and strength! Therefore, before you return to your weekly class, return to competing each weekend or start training your young dog, it's important to take a step back and really look at where you are now and where you want to be. Then take a look at your dog. Were you able to keep up with your training or perhaps maybe you've done nothing due to COVID restrictions. Has your break spilt over into your dog's daily exercise regime, too? Does your dog have arthritis or struggle with the transition to being inside more over winter? Allowing your dog to train when it is not fully fit is setting it up for failure and, even worse, possible injury.
This is not just Coronavirus problem If this happens, one way to prevent them losing fitness is to keep their 'out of agility' exercise the same. Devising a bespoke fitness plan - and sticking to it - can be helpful. In cases where you are not sure what to do, another idea would be to seek advice from a professional such as a vet physiotherapist. As an enthusiastic agility competitor as well as veterinary physiotherapist, my philosophy is to have fun but to keep my dog as safe as possible. Sometimes it's easy to forget that agility can be a risky sport and the best way to prevent injuries is to ensure your dog is ready.
Firstly ensure that you, as a handler, are fit and able to train. Then take a look at your dog. Be sure it is fit, healthy and eager to run. Here are a few other specific things to look at to help you get started with assessing your dog's health and fitness:-
Things you can do if your dog is lacking fitness 1. It is important to have a method of monitoring your dog's activity and evaluating its fitness levels. A good tip would be to keep a record which you can use anytime you have to have a break from agility or your dogs have a change in their exercise routine. Devise a bespoke fitness plan specific to your dogs weaknesses and stick to it. if you're unsure where to start, ask your vet physio for advice. 2. Be sure to follow your vet and physio's advice after any illness or injury to ensure your dogs fully is recovered before re-starting training. 3. Increase your dog's exercise if safe to do so e.g. they are healthy and have no illness or injury. This can be done by increasing their daily walks or through use of a fitness plan. 4. Revisit your foundation training including Obedience, crowd and stranger habituation and drive. Often we see Obedience as a separate entity or something we do with our new or young dogs only, but the things we teach our dogs here are actually brilliant starters for our dogs fitness plans. Almost all the fitness plans, I devise for agility dogs include elements of obedience work such as sit, down, wait and stand exercises to name just a few. Once you've assessed your dog, you can begin working towards your next agility goal by increasing your dog's exercise regime, using a fitness plan or starting back with your training sessions - whatever's right for your dog's current fitness level. Whatever your next step is, enjoy the process and I hope to see you out training and competing soon. If you have any questions, check out my recent webinar or feel free to contact me by email.
Zoe has a passion for sporting dogs having recently completed her master's thesis on the ‘Incidence of Injury and Length of Recovery in Sporting and Non-Sporting Dogs and the Association with the Use of Therapy measures' and currently has a Grade 3 Collie X Vizsla Jack who can't wait to get back to training and competing. First published 15th October 2020
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