
21st Century Agility
Tony di Bartolo used to employed to research various products to help with inventory tracking and job shop production control. That's when he first started thinking about using the new technology for agility. Then one day while he was working, he came across an idea which made him think, 'Hey, wouldn't it be great if you could use this in agility?'

Advanced into Intermediate?
The debate about whether Advanced dogs should be able to compete in Intermediate classes was going on way before the Kennel Club announced the changes to the 'H' regs. In an article which was written just before the changes were announced - but remains relevant - Nancy Hudson asks whether this decision is  entirely fair to Advanced dogs and their handlers, now or in the future.
Advanced into Intermediate Continued
Following an open debate between Agility Liaison Council members at a recent Kennel Club meeting and the subsequent vote 5-4 against, the discussion on whether to take Advanced level handlers out of Intermediate classes continues. Should we or shouldn’t we? What are the arguments for and against? Three top handlers present their opinions - Jo Sermon (pro), Dave Cooper (con) and Mary Anne Nester with the Mini/Midi point of view. Read both sides of the argument.

Back to the Future
Looking back at the future, we must say that 'The fun never did go out of this 'fun event.' Agility Voice's own Mystic Meg foretells of things to come in this treasure from The Agility Voice archives. Somehow this tongue-in-cheek article from 1985 does not seem so far off the truth - or does it?
Bud Houston Bud Houston's Handling Moves
Bud Houston is one of America’s pioneering agility teachers, stressing solid handing fundamentals and positive training techniques. He currently operates Bud Houston’s Country Dream in southeast Ohio where he and his wife offer agility and rally‑o camps, resort visits, ongoing classes, and monthly workshops for agility enthusiasts.. He wrote this article describing some of his better known moves. Comparing them to your way of handling today makes interesting reading.

Enid Buckland-Evers & Lynn Shore

Fashion Circa 1985
What the best dressed agility handlers wore in the good old days. Sue Ashby did this delightful cartoon of Mr & Mrs Agility, a typical agility couple in the mid-1980s which appeared in the Agility Voice Newsletter (April 1985). What a far cry from the designer track suits, running shorts and trainers of today!
Bretons DTC Circa 1981 Happy 21st Birthday, Bretons DTC
Bretons DTC was one of the first clubs in the UK to do the new sport of show jumping for dogs. This year they will be 21 years young. (04/04/00)
Kennel Club Judges Training Programme
Effective as of 1 July 2006, anyone wishing to judge at a KC agility event for the very first time and those who will be submitting questionnaires to the Kennel Club for approval to award Kennel Club Agility Certificates will be required to have attended a seminar and passed a an examination.
Naylor Agility - A brief History
While many may see Naylor Agility as a new name in the dog agility world, the company's legacy spans over four decades of innovation, dedication and craftsmanship, dating back to 1983.
Over her agility career, Jayne Bray's apricot Miniature Poodle Portia (Ag.Ch. Harvest Geld for Aprika) won 305 classes, making her one of agility's all time greats. At age 16 years and 4 months, she won the All-Time Achievement for Services to Agility Award from the Poodle Breed Club of Great Britain.
Lesley Olden's First International Competition
A long time ago (1989) in a galaxy far far away called France, four intrepid GB handlers braved the English Channel to compete against nine other countries and international agility began. Lesley Olden, one of the team, kindly agreed to share some of her memories of her first international competition.
Thoughts of a Judge
Roy Wilce was the judge of the Crufts Team qualifier and the Mini Agility class at Severnside on 29th August 1992. While waiting for Chris to finish judging in another ring, there was plenty of time to reflect on the day's events. Here are a few of his thoughts shared for the benefit of competitors, potential judges and show managers alike.


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