ABC Day at Olympia
Labrador handler Lindy Margach reports on the last day of the agility competitions on the
last day of Olympia 2006... and not a collie in sight! |
A Grand Day Out
Deakin reports on her first visit to Olympia!
It was Medium Dog Agility Stakes
Grand Final and the first day of dog agility competitions at the 2007 Olympia Show Jumping
extravaganza. |
to be a Mini Winner
Getting to the top of your sport is not easy. It takes more than a good dog and a good
handler to make an agility round look simple. What do the ten Olympia mini finalist have
that the rest of us lack? What turns a competitor into a winner? To find out, Mary Ann
Nester went to the Pedigree Smackos Mini Agility Stakes Final held at the Olympia
International Show Jumping Championships and spoke to the handlers, judge and sponsors.
(04/01/02) |
Me and My Dog
Up close and personal with the 2007 Olympia qualifiers. Meet their dogs and get a small
insight into their personalities. |
My First Olympia
Keeping a
lid on her excitement was not easy for Paula Triggs. It was like being a kid at Christmas.
She didn't want her Vizsla Ross to catch the bug and go wild so she decided to pretend that
it was just another run at a local show. But who was she fooling? This was Olympia!
(08/01/09) |
Olympia 2004 Semi
Pedigree Agility Stakes event is only really comparable with the Agility Championships at
Crufts. It is certainly the place all the agility handlers want to be the week before
Christmas – the festive and evergreen London International Horse Show. |
Olympia 2004 Judge's
Croxford and Ann Roberts report on the last Pedigree Agiity Stakes. |
Olympia 2004 The
Final Final
passes on the baton to the Kennel Club but will continued to be involved with the Agility
events at the London International Horse Show. |
The Road to Olympia 2005
Olympia is not just another Final. There's nothing like it in the agility world. Just
listen to what some of the handlers who took part in the 2005 Finals have to say about
their experiences before, during and after. |
Olympia 2005
What a show the 27th year that
the Dog Agility Stakes Finals turned out to be! Report from Dave Ray and Judge John
'Johnny' Gilbert. |
Our 'man' at Olympia Heather
Noddle reports on the spectacle which is Olympia. Is it better than Crufts? Judge for
yourself. |
Olympia 2007 ABC
It was a day of drama, triumph
and tragedy and then there was the final - all reported on by Lindy Margach. |
Olympia 2007
It was the 30th anniversary of
the first ever agility event at Olympia and the most exciting yet. Report from Judge Kate
Austin, all the results and photos, too. |
Olympia 2009 Judges Report
was the 31 time that the Agility Stakes Finals had been hosted by the Olympia London
International Horse Show and what a show it was! Judge Charlie Wyatt reports. |
Olympia 2009 Gallery
Meet some of the 100 dogs who qualified for the Kennel Club Olympia Agility Stakes. |
Olympia 2010
Mandy Wallington talks with
the winners of the Kennel Club Agility Finals. |
Olympia 2010
Judge's Report
After many course planning
sessions and revisions, judge Arthur Rodgers arrived at the Hilton Hotel, Olympia,
confident about the courses he had designed, and he was not to be disappointed. |
Olympia 2011
For Ian
Mallabar who thoroughly enjoys judging to be able to watch the best dogs in the country run
his courses in front of a cheering crowd of thousands was a wow! experience. With complete
results and pictures of the winners. |
from Olympia
With apologies to G. Chaucer,
we hear about the qualifiers, the grooms and the flyball competitors who met in the spirit
of fun and competition at Olympia 2002. Tales from
Mary Ann Nester, Iain Fraser
Jan Meekings.
(16/01/03) |
Target: Olympia 2004
After 11 years of competition,
what chance did Amanda Pigg and her young dog Jag have of qualifying for Olympia
2004. In her own words, she tells of the excitement of qualifying for the Chums Semi Finals
and then going on to the 'big one' at Olympia.
(27/01/05) |