
Crufts tickets and opening times for 2019 dog show, plus when it's ... Afterthoughts of Crufts 2019
Linda Gore spends most of the year photographing Agility. She says her job is to capture memories in the ring. This year she covered Crufts at the NEC taking pictures not only of the competitors in the Main Arena and behind the scenes but also the Judges who design the courses, the commentators who explain the classes to the audience and the Ring Party who are responsible for setting the courses up and making the Arena run like clockwork. We have combined some of her pictures with their words.
Belle Goes to Crufts 2018
As a small business owner in her second year of trading, Belle McIntosh of FurBaby Casting wondered if a trade stand at Crufts be a worthwhile endeavour or would she be lost in sea of major dog food suppliers, toy and accessory retailers. So when she was offered the opportunity to cover Crufts for Agilitynet, she jumped at the chance. This would be her first time at Crufts and she went with an open mind, a brief to cover the show from the perspective of a trade stand holder and agility competitor and, as always, her trademark pink trainers.
Cath Wandzel's Journey to Crufts
8th March was a big day for Catherine Wandzel and her agility girl Sky. They had qualified for the Medium Agility Team Final at Crufts. It was a dream come true! Last year she went as a spectator but this year she was in the ring with her team Dark Destroyer Dragonhearts. This is the story of their special journey to Crufts 2019.

The largest and best known dog show in the world (probably) and showcase for some of the best agility dogs in the country.
Crufts 2020 Checklist
Here is a list of things to remember when going to Crufts, primarily for new visitors and those who, like mothers in labour forget the trauma of childbirth when they get home! The advice is appropriate to anyone who has gone to watch - or participate in - Agility, Flyball, Obedience, Breed or a touch of retail shopping. Enjoy your day and don't say that we didn't warn you!
Crufts 2003 -  Quips 2003
No dog show is larger nor more controversial than Crufts. Always full of drama, there are 21,000 individual stories of success and disappointment - never more poignant than so than in the agility ring. Here is a selection of comments overheard before, after and during Crufts 2003.
Crufts 2008 - News
Where, when, how plus results of the finals
Crufts 2011 Random Thoughts
Some people say that Crufts is not as special to the agility fraternity as Olympia but one has to admit that there is no other dog show like it. You either love it or loath it. It isn’t really a dog show any more. Some would call it a circus?  It’s a place to stock up on dog bedding, toys, ornaments, agility equipment, obedience equipments and what every catches your fancy! It’s a chance to see the best of the best whether it be in breed, obedience, Heel Work to Music or Agility. Jennie Fairweather cast her roving eye over the proceedings in this eclectic report
Crufts 2012 Judges Report
Crufts is the largest annual international Championship dog show in the world. Organised and hosted by the Kennel Club, it is currently held every March at the National Exhibition Centre (NEC) in Birmingham, England. To be asked to judge whether it be in breed, obedience or agility is the ultimate compliment. But what did the judges really think about the classes on the day?
2013 Crufts - News and Results
The trophies are polished, the collars are on, the nation’s sweetheart, Clare Balding is warming up. It can mean only one thing - the world’s greatest dog show, Crufts is almost upon us. More than 145,000 people are expected to come through the doors of the NEC from the 7– 10 March 2013 to meet the 27,000 dogs that will be at Crufts over the four days. Visitors will be able to watch the live events each day throughout the NEC and speak to experts about different breeds and the future of dog health.
Crufts 2014 - News and Results
Celebrating the British love affair with dogs, Crufts will be returning to the NEC Arena in Birmingham and to our television screens again on 6 – 9 March 2014. The four-day event will see the nation's most heroic dogs rewarded in the prestigious Friends for Life competition, the UK's favourite crossbreeds compete in the Scruffts Grand Final alongside the world's most athletic canines battling it out in dog sports such as Agility and Flyball, and the world-famous Best in Show competition.

Crufts 2020 - Pre-Coronavirus
We zoomed in on two of the judges in the Main Ring- Martin Cavil and David Isbister - in an in-depth conversation about what it was like before, after and during the greatest dog show in the world pre-coronavirus. And we've kept to the 2m rule.

Crufts Ring Party
The Agility Ring Party at Crufts may be one of the few groups of people who can go unseen in fluorescent pink. Every year the team of Eukanuba-pink clad Crufts ring party work tirelessly - and often unnoticed - in front of thousands of spectators viewing the agility competitions that could not run without them. Our Agilitynet reporter Kirrin Medcalf spoke to several members of this years Ring Party.
Crufts Timeline- History
Crufts is one of the largest dog events in the world. No longer purely a dog show, dfs Crufts celebrates every aspect of the role that dogs play in our lives. It has changed in ways that couldn’t possibly have been imagined when the show was set up in Victorian times by the late Charles Cruft. Although it was a very different event in 1891 Charles Cruft was a great showman and would surely have enjoyed the size and scope of the event today, which is an essential date in any dog lover’s calendar. Look out for the milestone agility dates in red.
  Green Light for Crufts
Crufts again. Had she done it all wondered Mary Ann Nester? Had she earned her seat on the settee with Ben Fogle on the box? She'd been to Crufts as a competitor, a groom, a spectator and a shopper but always with agility in mind. Never before had she worked on a stand - what some would call the plebeian face of Crufts! Time to notch up a new experience!
The Kennel Club Festival Starters Cup
Chris Garret reports on the 2008 KC Festival Starters Cup , the first time that dogs from Grades 1 and 2 have been given the chance to compete on the world stage at Crufts. How would the relatively inexperienced handlers face the pressure?

Meet Laura Richardson Ring Manager Crufts
In 2023, Laura Richardson is taking over as the Main Arena, Ring Manager for the Kennel Club, a role which was previously held by Dave Jolly for 15 years. The ring party does everything except judge, and they usually work from 7.00am to 6.00pm depending upon when the events are on. It's a big job, but she's up for it.

The Novice Cup 2025
From green grass to the hallowed green carpet... Meet some of the handlers and their fabulous dogs competing in the Novice Cup at Crufts. Linda Gore and Julie Stevens contacted the finalists to find out more about them.
A Roving Reporter at Crufts 2008
We asked Jennie Fairweather to go to Crufts 2008 with an open brief to talk to people - and that she did.
Two Busy Reporters at Crufts 2016
This year marks the 125th Anniversary of Crufts and the atmosphere at the NEC was as frenzied as ever. We sent out our intrepid reporters - Penny Heel and David Elliott - armed with just a press pass and an open brief, to watch, listen and report on the 'best dog show in world' for those of us unable to go, get time off work or unwilling to make it buck the traffic and road works to get to the live agility in the Arena.
The Virgin Groom
Janet Grenfell has worked with dogs in the past as an HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) dog handler, but has never competed in agility. Last year Soraya Porter managed to talk her into scriming for her at a small independent show. Little did she know this was the thin end of the wedge. Next came the request for her to act as groom at Crufts. Not realising that this was not a job for the faint of heart, Janet agreed. Here is her account of her day as a Crufts Groom Virgin.
Young Crufts
It was a dream come true for 14 year old Neil Ellis.

Cru8fts 2012


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