Ch. Dogs
The title Agility Champion (Ag.Ch.) is the
ultimate prize on the Agility ladder of achievement. It is bestowed upon any dog - Large,
Medium or Small - that has been awarded three Agility Certificates under three different
judges, in accordance with The Kennel Club Regulations for Championship Agility classes. And it
is very very hard to get! |

Agility Governing Bodies
Different strokes for different
folks. It doesn't matter what flavour agility you prefer. The rules may be
slightly different but the game's the same. And it's all meant to be
fun! |
Agility Hall of Fame
believe this is the first Agility Hall of Fame in the world. It's here to
celebrate remarkable people and dogs and recognise their outstanding achievement
and longevity. Nominations welcome. |
Agility-related News
Lots of news from and about the people and companies that make up and
support the agility community from charity campaigns, rescue
organisations, sponsorship and new product and equipment launches. If
it has something to do with agility, we want to know. |
Agility Together
Lockdowns and restrictions can feel quite isolating, unable to see
family or friends and, of course, missing the agility. Agility Together
is a temporary FB group, conceived by Ruth Abrahams, which aims to support to agility folk during this
winter pandemic by means of some friendly chat, a familiar face and
sharing a moment of agility time. |
Boast Posts
Ever since 2003, we've celebrated people's achievements in winning
out of a KC grade or moving up at UK Agility by sending out individual,
personalised Winning Out Certificates. Over the years, the number of
people receiving them has grown from about 200+ to 1950+ and excitement
has grown. People have started to write 'boast posts' on Agilitynet FB
to say thank you to their dogs, Agilitynet and our sponsor, this year
Agria Pet Insurance. Every
story is different. Some will bring tears to your eyes. All will make
you proud to be part of such a wonderful sport. |
Fundraising & Good Deeds
are many national and local charities - large and small - which benefit from and
support agility people. Thousands of pounds are raised by agility clubs and individuals around the
country via demonstrations, sponsored walks and other events. What have you or your club done
today? |
In Memory
Remembering agility friends and family who have passed away... |
In Memory
- 2016-2019
Remembering agility friends and family who have passed away... |
Junior Handler News
The next generation is our
future. |
Major Shows
News of the largest agility shows and competitions on the agility
calendar. |
Rainbow Bridge
Agility is the ultimate
partnership between dog and handler. It's a pastime and an obsession
that takes time and devotion. We are all part of a family that enjoys
one of the most fun sports ever. The loss of just one team member
saddens us all. Take a minute to reflect and celebrate the lives of the
dogs and people who have left us |
Rescue News
There are many amazing dog rescue groups and
organisations around the UK which are run and staffed by animal-lovers who are
dedicated to helping unwanted, abandoned and abused pets. They work hard to find
forever homes for the animals and give them a second chance. |
Show News
came into it's own during the Foot & Mouth crisis in 2002 and has not looked back since. It's
been here for you in the good times and the bad with news of show
changes and cancellations, team selection and advances in technology
regardless of affiliation - KC, UKA or Independent. |
Winning Out Certificates / New Years Honours List
There are many pleasures in Agility but the one thing that
never changes is the thrill of moving up - winning into a higher level
and being recognised by your peers. Here we celebrate the handlers and
their dogs who won out at a KC and / or moved up a level at a UKA event.
Please put your hands together for all of them and their fabulous dogs
that achieved this distinction. We are proud of you. |